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I can’t put it any other way than this: marry young. Wear the ring, plan your future, live in the moment, don’t be afraid, and don’t wait. In a culture of waiting, we are taught that falling in love is the key to existence, but when you find The One, you need to put the […]

Personal, Planning

February 11, 2017

Forever Begins Now: It’s Okay To Marry Young

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The other day it hit me like slamming into a brick wall going 70; this Sunday, Russell and I will celebrate six months of marriage. That’s crazy to me, thinking that it has been half a year since we tied the knot. I suppose a 3 week honeymoon and the long process of buying and […]


November 29, 2016

6 Tips for a Perfect Wedding Day

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Millions of women are on The Pill…and that’s not a good thing. At the ripe young age of twenty, my then-fiancee and I knew we did not want children in our first years of marriage. We want to see the world, explore our interests, spend time together, and so many more things. While we believe […]


October 28, 2016

Birth Control: You Have Another Choice

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Marriage is a lifelong venture. You pick one person out of the 7 billion on the planet, stand in front of your friends and family, and commit yourselves to one another for the mutuality of your lives. At the beginning of your relationship, it is all bliss. As time goes on though, many find themselves […]

Personal, Planning

October 19, 2016

Til Death Do Us Part

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Once-in-a-lifetime wedding photos.

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