My Raw, Untraditional Journey to Motherhood

  1. Ashley Palka says:

    Thank you for being so candid. I am in the same scenario in terms of not wanting children and my husband always longing for one. No one had ever understood or empathize with that until what you just wrote. If anything came from your truth, it’s that you made one less person feel lonely in those same feelings. So thank you.

    • Courtney Winter says:

      I’m so honored this was helpful for you. I completely relate to you, it’s a hard situation to be in. At the end of the day it’s both an individual and couples decision, but you don’t have to decide anything now, one day, one week, one year at a time. If you ever need someone to share with I would be happy to listen!

  2. Kay Lee Howells says:

    What a special wonderful story. Thank you for sharing God’s purpose in your life. God bless your family and your story to be continued❤️.

  3. Zackary Starbird says:



    Thank you for sharing your journey.

    Wishing all the best for you, Russell, and Scottie, and praying that God watches over this blessed young family.

    • Courtney Winter says:

      Thank you Zack, we hope all 3 of us can visit London sometime and meet your family 🙂

  4. Cassie Winters says:

    Thank you for always being honest and down to earth. You’ve never failed to be a good role model for me while growing up and have supported me in so many ways. I know you are and will always be a phenomenal mother as you have proven that to me. I am so proud of all that you’ve accomplished and only hope to find a love similar to the love you and Russel have. Russel has proven to be an exemplary husband to you and brother-in-law to me and with that I am so grateful you chose him to be the father of the little chicken nugget I have the privilege of calling my niece. I promise to always love and support the three of you in any way I can and to protect little Scottie at any costs. 🤍

  5. Rachel McPheeters says:

    Beautiful story. Brave and honest and real. I always wish you the very best, Courtney. May God continue to bless your life in unexpected and beautiful ways.

  6. Deanna says:

    How very brave, Courtney. I imagine that many, many women have these feelings and are afraid to express them. I believe that saying and writing these feelings gives a person a stronger opportunity to work them out successfully. What an important lesson we can all learn from…. including darling Scottie. Much love and happiness to you, Russell and Scottie.

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